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2019 Awards Eligibility

Lynette Mejia

Late, as usual, but what would be the fun otherwise, amirite?

Anyway, below you'll find the stories and poems I had published in 2019. Though I wasn't able to write much, the year saw some of my favorite pieces published in some really amazing projects, and I was proud to be a part of each and every one of them.

The stories are eligible for Nebula and Hugo consideration, and the poems are eligible for the Rhysling award. Thanks so, so much to each and every one of you who read and enjoyed my work last year, and I sincerely appreciate your considering them as part of any ballots you might be compiling.

Short Stories

"A Gardener's Guide to the Apocalypse"

If This Goes On, ed Cat Rambo

Published by Parvus Press, March, 2019

"Big, Bad"

American Gothic: Short Stories, ed Gillian Whitaker

Published by Flame Tree Press, May, 2019


"This Is Why I Love You," (Kaleidotrope, Summer 2019)

"Trees and What they Whisper,"  (Liminality #19, Spring 2019)

"Changeling," (Sycorax Journal, Issue 2)

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